Your Mid-Week Experiment
Welcome to your always free, reader-supported mid-week edition of The Experiment where we share great things to read, cook, listen to, and watch. If you’d like to support my work, buy my Alamo book, buy some Experiment merch, drop some coins in the PayPal fountain, or become a paid subscriber. But even if you don’t, this bugga free.
Let’s get right to it:
This garlic-ginger chicken recipe was so good I’m already thinking of when I’m going to make it again. (New York Times Cooking)
Jameson Foser: “The news media should tell its audience true things, in proportion to their importance, with no concern for how anyone feels about it.”
Good lord, the body issues that pervade gay male culture. (Joseph Osmundson)
Steve Albini: “I would like to be paid like a plumber: I do the job and you pay me what it's worth.” h/t to Austin Kleon’s excellent newsletter
Writers are some of the most jealous people I’ve ever met, and here’s why. h/t Austin, again (Elisa Gabbert)
I’ve discovered it’s fun to call S “mamichula.” More specifically, it’s fun for me.
I didn’t know you could recycle pizza boxes! (Washington Post)
Some actually good life lessons at the end of this. h/t Elie Jacobs (Adam Roberts)
I am a sucker for a charming commencement address. If you don’t have 20 minutes to spare—and let’s be honest, you do—skip ahead to 9:20. h/t also Elie
Not good, not bad. The middle was pretty good.
I chuckled at a lot of this.
We set up a merch table in the back where you can get T-shirts, coffee mugs, and even tote bags now. Show the world that you’re part of The Experiment.
We’ve also got a tip jar, and I promise to waste every cent you give me on having fun, because writing this newsletter for you is how I have fun.
Buy the book Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick banned from the Bullock Texas History Museum: Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of the American Myth by Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson, and myself is out from Penguin Random House. The New York Times bestseller is 44% off and the same price as a paperback now!