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At The Experiment, you can discover new writers with something to say about how we're getting through the Uncertain Now.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Experiment yet, then what are you even doing with your Labor Day weekend?
It’s like if New York’s hottest club was instead a digital newsletter written by a brilliant and hilarious political consultant in Texas and his fascinating friends.

Jason Stanford @JasStanford
Think of it as a digital magazine delivered as a newsletter every Saturday, when you’ll get essays from Jason Stanford and his smart friends, recommendations for what to read, watch, and listen to, and the latest chapters in Robin Whetstone’s harrowing and hilarious memoir of working in Moscow in the early ‘90s called Red Ticket.

.@JasStanford's newsletter—now called The Experiment—is one of the only ones I actively read. Over time, he's evolved it into a community journal about the human experience, somehow both local & personal, with a wide cultural lens. Can't recommend enough:

It’s interesting, free, and brief, and you’ll see things in a new way.

I highly recommend you check out @JasStanford’s superbly curated & expertly written #TheExperiment.

Jason Stanford @JasStanford
Here are the most-popular editions of The Experiment:

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Jason Stanford is a Texas-based writer who can't run because of a parachuting accident in Moscow. It's a long story.
I'm a writer and former Texan now living and working in the Twin Cities. I spend a lot of time thinking about truth, reality, and what we do with both.
Brooklyn based rabble rouser who is not taking feedback at this time.
Father, Entrepreneur, Musician, @n1leftbehind Co-Founder, @TrumanProject Fellow, @amsecproject Adjunct Fellow, my book: https://tinyurl.com/ycjrg7no
Reporter, writer for DreamWorks and NBC Universal, campaign press secretary for Gov. Ann Richards, steel mill chemist, cook, failed PhD candidate.