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People crave hope in their entertainment, but in real life: no, there is no surviving this. There is no second act. And the problem isn't climate change. It's 50-60% of white men. America is about to be led by these narcissistic nihilists whose own lack of future (thanks to being bred for the too-brief time when you could make a middle class living on brawn alone) makes them them believe the only thing to do is destroy the world so no one has a future; as well as by the Christians who believe they'll be raptured in their lifetime, so why worry about the future? After they've been lifted bodily to their loving god's bosom, let the rest of us burn. Climate change is the perfect setting for them.

Also you leave out the extraordinary cost of having a child in America, and not just financially, especially for women. Why incur a $250-500K 20-year debt (not counting college) and countless other hurdles when you can't pay off your student loans and have no chance of ever owning a house and are one medical bill away from ruin? Having a child today is like rolling the dice on remaining middle class or having even less of a chance of rising into the middle class.

Note: It's 1036 on a Monday. Imagine how cynical I'll be by Friday.

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