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Your book with Burrough and Tomlinson about the Alamo is trash! You know that! That’s why you responded to one star reviews with namecalling! Because you can’t rebut their legitimate criticism! Like Howard Zinn, you omit numerous pieces of inconvenient information to push a predetermined conclusion! This excellent review by Nate Barnes effectively demonstrates that! https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3BVQ9QVIXPMC6/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B08L9QM1G9 I’m boycotting you and your Maoist comrades! I’m Black and I think the Alamo defenders, while imperfect should be honored! You are a racist for pretending to speak for all POCS! Why don’t you mention in your tripe book that Santa Ana was a womanizer, switched sides during the Mexican Revolution, and like a coward abandoned his men at the battle of San Jacinto?! Also why did you leave out that runaway slaves from America weren’t accepted into Mexican society, and the slave like Hacienda system still existed when Santa Anna ruled, and he did nothing to stop it! The Bullocks museum was right to chance you talk!

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